Safe Connections Act – Emergency Lifeline Support
Lingo Telecom, LLC – TX is here to help survivors of intimate partner violence and/or abuse. If you or your loved one need to transfer your cellular number, please contact Customer Service at (866) 405-4646 and one of our representatives will be able to assist you confidentially.
You will need to provide the following information:
- Accurate and basic information about your situation and the phone number(s) involved.
- Supporting documentation (i.e. signed affidavit, police report, court order etc.) from a court, law enforcement, health care provider or social worker.
- We may not be able to always accommodate every situation but will aim to minimize the cost and burden of this process whenever possible.
- After your line transfer is complete, you may subscribe to any plan for which you’re eligible. You are also free to port your number to another service provider of your choice. You may also qualify for a service discount through providers that participate in the federal Lifeline program, to help with the costs of your new plan. You can learn more about the Lifeline program at
Additional Resources if needed:
National Domestic Violence Hotline: Provides a 24/7 hotline with services including crisis intervention, safety planning, connection to local resources and referrals to agencies that provide legal, economic and other related services. Assistance is available in English and Spanish with access to more than 170 languages through telephone interpreter services. Contact: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) TYY 1-800-787-3224 or visit their website at
Local Domestic Abuse Shelters Domestic violence shelters are located nationwide to provide victims a place to escape their abuser. Find a local domestic abuse shelter near you at